Aunt Isa has recently been helping me look for a digital camera so that I can take pics. of the things I wright about here on my blog. just today we found one I really like, a used digital rebel for $400! Back home my favorite things to take pics. of are our farm animals,( especially kitties), and the nocturnal critters that drop by(racoons and possums) , looking for a midnight snack. Mom always says we have way to many Kittie pictures. well, at least I can make a huge scrap book of all the loved generations of cats on our farm. Cats have always been one of my favorite animals, and I think it would be nice to tell my future kids about the time I saved brother J.'s calico cat from suffocating in a peanut butter jar, or the one at the animal shelter I volunteered at who had to walk in a wheel chair for the rest of it's life because someone stepped on him as a kitten.
good luck! Cameras are fun!