I have been spending the summer with my grandparents in CA, visiting cousins and working for my Grandpa at his chicken ranch picking up dead chickens, unclogging feed lines, removing junk and cleaning heat lamps. I never have been very squeamish about touching dead stuff, though it's fun to pretend sometimes. My younger brother J and cousin H, (who also work at my Grandpa's ranch,) get paid every Tuesday afternoon. Today while working on unclogging feed lines, my brother showed me seven little kittens living in the cool cells of chicken house 4. J asked Nana if we could keep them, but she said no, I guess because we already have a little orphan kitty called Dust speck, nick named- Beastie. Grandpa also has a quarter horse named Nut meg, though I usually call her Megan. Megan was an abused horse before my aunt, Lil bit, rescued her.
Wow. T has a blog! I like the name Dust Speck. We miss you. Keep working hard. D