January 8, 2013

The Hour of the Day

 Blog names from here on out:
Tali  (me, as always)
LS1 (little sister one)
LS2 (little sister two)
LS3 (little sister three)
LB1 (little brother one)
LB2 (little brother two)
D     (Dad)
M    (Mom)

Some time ago, my aunt Litbit, (blog name,) asked if I could take a picture an hour of everyone for the entire day. Well, I didn't get the whole day, but I got the hour of 1:00pm.
The pictures are black and white because I thought they would look very nice and matching for this post. Some people were easy to sneak up on, like LS2, (second to youngest of my sisters,). And some were not so easy. LS2 is blogging as a part of her writing assignments. For those of you who wish to visit her blog, the address is : heritagespot.blogspot.com 
 I helped her put up her blog background.  
Like my blog, it is also about random things of life around here, but LS2 picks different things to share and has a unique perspective. There are examples of the beautiful pictures that my LS1, and LS2,  take of sunsets, pets, wild animals, and the like at our house. In her blog, you may learn about the names and titles of the hills and ponds that my siblings have assigned everything.

While I am on the subject of that, LS1 also has a blog now, and has been keeping it up for a while. LS1 writes of her farm experiences, critters she finds, her dog, riding lessons, etc.

And here, LS1 is helping LB2 with his cub scout bird badge. They have hung a bird house, put bird feed out, and studied birds. Next to this bird house there is a hide out for bird watching to see without being seen. LB2 and LS1 even came across a Bald eagle while finishing up. Unfortunately, they Couldn't get pictures of him.

  Below, LB1 is has finished his math and is reading the Work and the Glory series. He was laughing about something funny, but as soon as I pulled out my camera the transformation was immediate . He became solemn and blank faced. Oh well. :) I know he enjoys those books. Later...
when I'd finished photographing LB2 and LS1 making a bird paradise, I caught him walking home from the mailbox. But instead of going straight home he went around and cut through a pasture and into the forest first. I had a video clip, staring LB1 and his imaginary foes that he hacks down with a foam sword, (I'll talk about those later,) but it took forever to load. I was almost surprised with how close I could get without him noticing me while I did this. I was laying on the grass, (it was a very warm day today, and I was stalking him Native American style,) as he came up swishing that sword and making his own sound effects.  :)
He saw me only after I turned off the camera and said, just as he pretended to "die,"

"Mortally wounded, the lone hero makes his way through the dark forest, there is only one question---to be..." I raised the camera, "Or not to be?"

But we both know I only did it out of a nice sense of  humor. :)

Last, but not least is LS3. She has become quite the lego house builder since Christmas, and is playing with her lego people. She told me their story as I took this picture.

This family had all stacked their lego hats on the chimney, which caused smoke to fill the house.
"Oh no! Quick, get a ladder daddy!"
The daddy climbs the house and gets on the roof. As soon as he takes the hats off the chimney, poof!! The trapped smoke shoots out.

I don't know where she gets those ideas. Most of her stories are more mild.

So that's all for now.  ;)


  1. I thought I was following your blog but I have missed these posts. I need to keep a closer eye on them. I love love what you did. Thanks. You have inspired me. I just love all you guys. ( so so very much)

  2. Nice pictures that you used tali.:)

  3. is this a dead blog belonging to a boring college girl now? I hope not! I miss seeing things through your eyes and reading your posts!

    You do more supportive good than you know.
