Now we had a long ways to catch up, we were now in one of the long stretches of stragglers we used to wait for. It really wasn't that necessary, but Captain and Faith pulled us along, faster and faster, till we got to the middle of the main train. And then,we came to pass under a nice shade of trees. We rested, while our trail boss shared stories of the pioneers and mobs in Nauvoo. Several of my friends shared their family history stories.

And soon we were on our way again.
It must have been about 3 or 4 O' clock, I didn't know, but then, I saw the porta-potties standing by a grove of dry trees. If you saw those you knew we were going to stop for the day. Old-time tradin' posts, near-like!
But this time we didn't. Others saw them too, and we were confused when our trail boss led us in the other direction. Maybe they were for some other company coming after us? So we passed them. It was getting to be about the time of day we stopped, so I plowed on, eager to make camp and write in my journal about my experiences of the day, including the role-played death/departure of a friend in another family.
And then, we passed another gate. The angels. he angels of Death, in my book.
They were lined up on either side of it, this time very silent.
They didn't sing, ( they usually did,) and we were all too tired to sing.
But I wasn't even in the mood. I didn't want to sing. I was still having unjust/unfair feelings at that friend. I looked up from our cart, and saw him now, he smiled at me.
I looked away.
Unwilling to return it.
I pushed harder, to get away from those darn destroying angels. And I was satisfied with the result.
It was only my short legs that prevented me from being a really good puller in front, it wasn't my attitude. But then, we hadn't gone too far, when suddenly, once again I heard Pa say, "Whoa, stop, stop, we need to stop. Pull over."
Was it another break? I had to pull back on the cart to get it to stop. And when we did, I looked over the heap of our possessions on the cart,
"What happened? Are we broken again?"
"No," Faith and Helaman who had been pushing in back with me, let go of the cart, and went to the front. Pa got out the parking stick, which held up the cart when no one was there to hold it.
It was right then, when I realized, that Ester was crying. And not just exhausted crying, she was really crying.
I looked at everyone else, they were all staring at the grassy floor, and Ma was crying too.
"W-what happened?"
Again I looked around, one face was missing... where was...?
"They took Captain," Ma said softly.
"What?! Who took---" I glanced at Ester, and then I knew.
The angels took Captain. I looked over Pa's shoulder, and saw him. Walking with an angel. The angel put his arm over Captain's shoulder. He didn't even look back once. Now there was a lump in my throat. Can heaven be so great? Can God really need those who are needed here? Cruel death angels. Family destroyers. Robbers. Thieves
Captain, come back! You can't leave us, you can't leave me, we need you! I wanted to call out, but the words never escaped my mouth.
He disappeared under the cover of the grove of trees. And all the angels left.
And soon we were on our way again.
It must have been about 3 or 4 O' clock, I didn't know, but then, I saw the porta-potties standing by a grove of dry trees. If you saw those you knew we were going to stop for the day. Old-time tradin' posts, near-like!
But this time we didn't. Others saw them too, and we were confused when our trail boss led us in the other direction. Maybe they were for some other company coming after us? So we passed them. It was getting to be about the time of day we stopped, so I plowed on, eager to make camp and write in my journal about my experiences of the day, including the role-played death/departure of a friend in another family.
And then, we passed another gate. The angels. he angels of Death, in my book.
They were lined up on either side of it, this time very silent.
They didn't sing, ( they usually did,) and we were all too tired to sing.
But I wasn't even in the mood. I didn't want to sing. I was still having unjust/unfair feelings at that friend. I looked up from our cart, and saw him now, he smiled at me.
I looked away.
Unwilling to return it.
I pushed harder, to get away from those darn destroying angels. And I was satisfied with the result.
It was only my short legs that prevented me from being a really good puller in front, it wasn't my attitude. But then, we hadn't gone too far, when suddenly, once again I heard Pa say, "Whoa, stop, stop, we need to stop. Pull over."
Was it another break? I had to pull back on the cart to get it to stop. And when we did, I looked over the heap of our possessions on the cart,
"What happened? Are we broken again?"
"No," Faith and Helaman who had been pushing in back with me, let go of the cart, and went to the front. Pa got out the parking stick, which held up the cart when no one was there to hold it.
It was right then, when I realized, that Ester was crying. And not just exhausted crying, she was really crying.
I looked at everyone else, they were all staring at the grassy floor, and Ma was crying too.
"W-what happened?"
Again I looked around, one face was missing... where was...?
"They took Captain," Ma said softly.
"What?! Who took---" I glanced at Ester, and then I knew.
The angels took Captain. I looked over Pa's shoulder, and saw him. Walking with an angel. The angel put his arm over Captain's shoulder. He didn't even look back once. Now there was a lump in my throat. Can heaven be so great? Can God really need those who are needed here? Cruel death angels. Family destroyers. Robbers. Thieves
Captain, come back! You can't leave us, you can't leave me, we need you! I wanted to call out, but the words never escaped my mouth.
He disappeared under the cover of the grove of trees. And all the angels left.
"lump in my throat"