We got Buff Orpingtons and barred Rocks. They have now moved to the chicken coop.
Taking care of a friend's sheep while they visited their grand kids for Easter. Robin Hood is tired.
Wagon rides down the hills are fun.
"Mom, am I ready to go swimming?" Says the littlest, who is not truly warm enough to swim yet. Mom took most of these pictures, and I borrowed these, I thought these two bottom ones were the cutest.
This spring is the wettest I've ever seen. We had some weather problems, lots and lots and tons of rain. Our basement flooded, but others had it worse then we did. The saint Louis air port had a tornado run through. Yikes!
There were a lot of those running around. None of the came to close to our house. Thank goodness. since we moved to Missouri, I have thought more about natural disasters then when we lived in CA, i remember earth quake drills in middle school. And once we in a very tiny one. It only shook our house just a little bit. I felt it first, as it shook my bed.I rand to mom and Dad's room. But it was over within a few seconds.
Now over here we have storms every month. Tornadoes are common. And Rain.
I have a list of things in my head to go get, and I always keep track of them, just in case of a disaster. My bag of notebooks, journal, and drawings. Those are my most important things that can never be replaced, except for my family.
But there is always a rain bow after the storm. And I don't only mean that literally, I mean there is always a good out come.
Look how green everything became.
Robin Hood got chicks to earn his merit badge. Sabrina got new baby ducks. They are anacondas, they are the best foraging egg laying ducks. Both the chicks and ducklings lived in our house for a while.
Thank you! Wish I was there.