This week has been sort of warm, with little bits of spring showers every now and then. One day was especially warm so my sister bunny suggested we go fishing. So even though we didn't have any real chance catching anything, we finished our chores, packed our things and headed to the pond we call discovery pond. It is the closest one to our house, so we didn't have any trouble walking there on foot. We have three fishing ponds near us. This is our 2nd favorite one. Our absolute favorite is featured in the post: September fishing.
When we stuck our poles in the water; fish started nibbling on our bait. My sister Bunny broke the record for the most fish caught in a day at our house, with the number of 9 Blue gills, Ducky came second with 6, and last me, with 4. Unfortunately, they were all small except one of mine so we took it and Ducky's biggest home to eat. But Discovery pond will not last much longer unless somebody who has the money fixes it. Silt, (dirt) is seeping in because of the cows that have been stomping around it.
I would have loved to go with you, but don't love eating fish. What a cute fish pond on your site and it's really too bad the very cute and fitting header picture has your face covered up with the title. It's been warm here too- almost too warm for my expanding waistline. :o)