After coming home from CA, I was wondering what to do with all the money I earned. Should I leave it in the bank and use it for some sort of future grand investment like college? Or this or that...a camera, a crompound bow and hunting licence, angora bunnies, art supplies, a dairy heifer or goat, a canoe, an older horse or a barely broke one, (though Dad said no absolutely, so that was out of the question), a little beagle dog(to hunt rabbits) a laptop for writing my novels,....well, I better stop right there.
Mom talked to me about spending my money on something that would be a seed to earn more money. So I brainstormed all the business type things I'd like doing, like pet portraits, milking and selling ice cream (my homemade Molly-Jersey icecream sold for 35 to 60$ a gallon at the YW auction last summer:)) And then one day Mom said Aiden was sad and that after his midnight wild creature run-in and injury, he's never been quite the same. And that he would need to be replaced someday, and how hard that would be. I said that it was about time to get a puppy as we planned to breed him in order to keep one around like him someday when he's gone, and I started looking around at the different farmcollie possibilites.
I told mom that if she could be mine, I would love to train and take care of a puppy. And unlike our farm-fresh kitties, dogs good around other animals are in demand here. I wouldn't have a problem finding homes for the other pups besides the one we would keep from her litter someday. So that's where my future investment comes in.
Our family loves the capabilities and the history of the English Shepherd, and the beauty of a not-too0-imbred, not too narrow skulled rough collie. Which is exactly what Aiden is. So we decided to try to continue this. We've always liked the looks and working habits of these dogs, http://www.cedarcreekenglishshepherds.com/ES.html and one day I found a live "we've got puppies" link from those beautiful and smart dogs( who also 'own' katadin sheep, like us) and I emailed.
Turns out the pu

ppies are related to this farm, but also to the Cimmaron farm line in nearby Oklahoma, Aiden's Dad's (Cimmaron Buccaneer, or Buck) home. And the Butcher farm dogs that have been the top English Shepherds in the nation. And that the puppies actual family was one of the Butchers, who don't live too far from us, and they were real nice to talk with, back and forth.
So to try to make my still-long story short, she
saved a puppy for me!!!!, "the most outgoing sable of the litter, sweet, most playful and slightly bossy".
She's named D.J right now, but I am looking at scottish names to match Aiden and her celtic ancestry... maybe Jamie, Emma, Kira, Guenevere or Gwen for short, and I can go get her anytime we get the logistics figured out. Here are some pics of her, and you can see her mom and dad above. You can see her tiny puppy pic as part of her litter here at http://www.cedarcreekenglishshepherds.com/bjcallie09.html
Below are some 7 week old pictures of her that the Butcher family sent me to see if I approved of her. In these pics she is in the house suspiciously sniffing wood floors for the first time, and being held by 'her girls' "who think she is one of thier favorites and have given her lots of love." She does have a naturally bobbed tail like her mom,

(my mom wanted a long tail, cuase they make such alert or happy waving flags) and a little bit shorter hair than mom would like, but I am glad, for tick picking's sake, "the better to see you with, my dear"! Dad is sceptical, (maybe he's thinking of the furniture, toys and rug casualties) but he'll see how wonderful a family and work companion she is going to be....
I can hardly wait !!!! (((((Isn't she cute?))))