July 29, 2012

I won Grand Prize at the Fair!

 Mine is the one of two horses, of course. It is Titled, "Fritz and Prince".
The other is the Best Of Show of the adults category.
I think this is one of my best examples of shading so far, but not my best as far as a horse drawing. the horse on the left has a chest that is far out of proportion. But it looks beautiful nonetheless. Before entering, Mom fussed a little about the way I had just tore my picture out of my sketch book. she wanted me to cut off all the little fringes.
But I suppose the judge looked those little fringes over. I have entered many other times in the fair before and never got first place. It was quite a surprise. The lady at the desk in the art building pulled me aside and encouraged me to enter in another art show that will take place soon. I think I will.
Getting Best of Show, or any ribbon at all is fun, but the best thing is seeing my work up there.