April 18, 2012

One hundred and one dalmatians---or rather, English shepherds

Okay, moving on.
Yesterday morning at five! fourteen little sable colored babies. There are...um, you ready for this number?
I hope you are, for here it comes.
No, it's not one hundred and one, thank goodness.
There are twenty six English Shepherd puppies---in all--- at our place.

NOTE: We are not a puppy mill.

Twelve were born a few weeks ago and are ready to for their first set of puppy shots and fourteen were born yesterday morning. We are going to get their parents registered so that we can give these puppies to new homes for about $350. each.
Except, the older puppies may be gone before we do that.
I have a dog blog---(I know, one blog is enough, isn't it?) And when it is ready to be presented, than I will post the address here. I will post stories and things of my experiences with these dogs, and my dog, Emma, will be the main star.
I love English shepherds. :) And puppies. They are all SO cute!

April 15, 2012


Ah, yes. Surprise! 

I know, my dress is not black and gold. Oh, I still miss it. But on the very morning of the day on which the prom was to take place---(and that place was five or four hours away depending on how fast you drive so we would have to leave early to get there on time,) we realized my all finished dress, (obviously except for the zipper,) was too small. Nevertheless I went to the mirror wearing my too-small-dress and mourned the loss. It was elegant and very formal. It would fit perfectly if a zipper was not needed.

I had two choises.
Well, really three.
1. try to sew in a extra strip of cloth to make it a sinch bigger and hope that my hair was long enough to cover it.

2. borrow my friend's dress, and scour the stores for a jacket to fit over the top.

3. Run to the store and get more cloth, a brand new and less mean sewing machine, more thread, and sew a new dress in less than five hours.

Well, we picked number three.

Mom and I scrambled to the store a few minutes after seminary and bought my second choice cloth,
(which I still prefer my black rose brocade to,)  and worked a solid four or five hours.I tell you, after all that work to get a prom dress sewn in two days and then another one in four hours, I was ready for this prom thing to end.
We finished it just in time to run over to my piano teacher's to get the zipper sewn into place. My prom driver met me there and I was whisked away.
However, there was a consequence for that fast and quite rushed sewing.
Of course my Nana  will know.

A lot of mistakes. For one, this cloth we bought frays like  sack cloth. ----does sack cloth fray? Maybe not. Well, this stuff frayed like crazy. Mom joked that I'd better move slow, so that my dress didn't become rags like Cinderella's.
It actually wasn't so funny.
Because  I was trying to sew the edges of my pieces so that they wouldn't do that. My friend called the sewing machine decided he was hungry. He thought my new pink cloth was Delicious. I guess I couldn't blame him. It was pretty.

But no worries, he didn't eat it to nothing. But if he ate a little more, then maybe it would be perfectly my size. The waist measurement was a little too big. Just a little. Not too much to notice. It was a precaution to make it not so small this time.
Better to wear something--- than than nothing because you can't fit into it.   ;)

the only other problem that was somewhat important, is that the pink gauzy on my back side was left undone. No time to sew it.  :(

So enough about that. I'm sure I looked well in the dress anyway. I had a gazillion complements. What else does someone want to assure them that they are pretty?
Oh, and if you could see their faces! when I told them I had sewn it---and then when it had been done in four/five hours. Of course however, with Mom's significant help.

This is turning out to be  a long post, and not just because. This is getting to be fun.

I shall include a short piece of the ride there. Nothing about the ride back---there's not much to tell. Except I went in and out of a light sleep, and arived back at like...four am? I was too tired to care to look at a clock.
On the ride there I was quiet.  At least for the first part.
I can hear a few of my out-of-state friends gasping.
"What?! You? Quiet? Never heard of such a thing! ...who's writing this? Get out of Tali's blog stranger."
Well, my fun friends, I have been practicing on my expressions. They have become very expressive and often talk for me. Or I hope so. They aren't always that effective.
Towards the time of our arrival, ( Yes, I did talk- how could you not imagine me saying at least one word?) we, (our driver and  the two other friends that came with me,) had a lot of laughs and fun playing car games. An interesting version of what I play with my siblings is a word/story game.
In the version that we played, we each took turns telling a story. Each person said one word on his/her turn. Until it ended.  They would result in funny short little stories.
 With my siblings this game is only slightly different. We go as far as we want in the story, and then when we run out of ideas we give it to the next person to add their ideas to. In my opinion it is a better way of making an interesting story because the person has more time to build plot and setting. And then when they're out of ideas the next person is ready with fresh ones to continue the story. the only problem is when the other players fall in love with what you've said and want you to continue the story by yourself.

Any way, I'm getting off subject. The drive up was fun.

When We arrived there, late, but in time for the dance, I walked in.
"Hi Tali!"
Oh I was so glad my trek brother recognized me in all my splendor.
"Hi Captain!" (that's his name on the blog,)
And then I went to sit for a while and hunt down other friends.
Okay, -I had a particular one in mind. I had good reason to believe that he was here, but things can happen, so I did have my eyes peeled. But lo and behold what do you know but he suddenly appears and sits right next to me. Now did he recognize me, or was he just sitting down in the nearest chair because he was tired?
I decided to let m=him speak for himself.
He did.
"You don't want to look at me?"
I smiled, and turned to him. " I was admiring the ceiling. You can't blame me when there's stars and planets projected all over it, can you?"
"Aw, yeah, I guess it's pretty. Are you on a date with someone?"
"Nope. Are you?"
"No. So do you want to dance with me?"
"Of course."

So yeah.

The music turns on...he leads me to the middle of the room....we danced with the lights of the projector overhead....he spins me...

---just kidding. xD

 How am I to spin in high heels anyway?
I was not romantic. How could I be?             ;) 
    I teased him, just a little, about the ceiling as his competitor. Then we talked of how things had been     going since last time we met, our siblings, and played the old tag game while dancing. I don't think anyone else but us were very interested though. Oh well. It didn't matter. We had fun.
I think all my friends had fun, even though some may say otherwise, I'm sure they did enjoy some part or another.
The last hour of the prom was my favorite.

I also danced with Captain as I always do. He asked questions like how I was doing, how my blog was coming along, how far on my story was I, and talks about my  facebook post about a green spider that turned out to be a strawberry top. I ought to ask him if he'd like to read my book. But maybe not. He's getting ready for collage.

When it ended, we all said our goodbyes and changed out of our prom stuff and got back into our street clothes. But I had a little difficulty. One of my friends that I came with helped me make a simple pink sash look beautiful. the picture does not do it justice. However, she had sewed it on my dress, and it was too tight to take off without having to cut it off. So we did.
Prom was really fun.
But if that's what public-schooled kids go crazy about every year I really don't see why. It was fun, and I loved wearing a princessy dress, but college proms--as far as proms go, have got to be better.
And I could definitely survive missing out on a school prom. ;)

Until next time, ---me.

this is when we came out of prom and changed back into our regular clothes. I am in the middle. We are all that came from our ward.

April 11, 2012


Sorry to pause on the list of fishing tools, but I have to post and say to all my family---I am sewing my own prom dress. It's the priest and laurel prom, and it's taking place this Friday. And I haven't started sewing until yesterday!  :O
Ugh, and I have really truly have only tonight to finish it off...tomorrow is the day where we all have piano lessons and our piano teacher kindly volunteered to sew on the zipper since neither I or Mom can. But that's tomorrow and piano lessons start too early to do anything in the morning...don't know how I will wake up for seminary tomorrow, but I'm staying up all night!
But I will find a way. Even if I don't finish my dress I have a good friend who would like me to barrow her prom dress. It is beautiful, but I really want to ware mine, especially because I picked everything.
My prom dress is black with gold accents. Yeah, I know, teenagers should wear colorful stuff. That's what  Mom says to. But I am sticking to black and gold. It will go nicely with my liahona necklace form my grandparents. :)
I will post picture when I finish it---or actually, after prom. Wish me luck because I need it.
Your grandaughter, your niece, your cousin, your trek sister, your real sister, your daughter, your cousin, your friend,
Tali. ;)