November 30, 2011

In the last minnute....I did it.

 I won NaNoWrimo this year! As you can see. My name is not yet on that just yet, but it's gonna be there. Now, just to remind anybody who might have forgotten, NaNoWrimMo means National Writing Month. It is a contest where thousands of people compete with themselves, friends, and time. 
It is; can you write this many words in a month? It is harder or easier then it sounds.
If you think it's hard---please, it's easy! 
If you think it's easy---watch out, and be warned. 
If any of that makes any sense.  ;) It depends on the person, and the time they've got.
The contest is not a "who has written the best book?" Sort of thing. In fact, nobody sees your story unless you want them to. And you don't put it in the internet. Just your daily word count.
You folks older then 17 have to write 50, 000 words. 
Under 17? You can create your own goal. this was my last year doing that. My goal was 30,000. Pretty easy right? Last year I had a hard time with 20,000 words, but then I wrote like around 500 words a day. 
I've gotten twice as fast now. As long as I know what I'm writing. So, a thousand a day. No problem.
First week  of  November: Ready....start! Write, type, write, type. 
Second day: I'm stuck.
third day: On fire!
Fourth week: Ahhh! five- thousand words behind and I'm only catching up about two thousand a day! procrastination.
Last days of November: I'm gonna make it...
Nov. 30, 11:59 pm: verified, and won. and just on the last minute.
whew! Whooooooo-hooooooo! Ha,Ha!  :D

November 20, 2011

I Guess It's Tradition...

In church my Young Women class talked about family heritage, background and traditions.
At first I couldn't think of anything, but then, as I listened to my friends talk about their families, I realized I had a whole lot. When it came to be my turn, I started with the most simple, most boring, most regular thing I could think of that my family does every year at birthdays. We each take turns to lift our present over the birthday girl/boy and say:

"Heavy, heavy hang over thy poooor head, what would you wish with a bonk on your head?"

And then we bonk their head with the present.
And the birthday girl/boy has to wish something marvelous for the gift-and-bop-on-your-head-giver before s/he can open their present.
Normal, right?
I was darn surprised when the whole class cracked up.
So then I told them about my tenth birthday when both my parents picked me up, hung me upside down, (my present was around 30 pounds or more with all it's pieces, so they weren't going to pick that up and hang that over my poor head,)

"Heavy, heavy hangover thy poor head, what would you wish with a bonk---"  Crack.
Well, luckily it wasn't my head that broke, it was my present. :(
It was a fish tank, one I'd wanted for a long time, so now, I just use it as a worm farm to breed my fishing bait. Oh well.
So my Young Women's class cracked up over that too. I guess then, that it is a family tradition after all. They had never heard of such a thing. And I thought it was normal. Well, I hope we didn't look too weird at our friend's parties when we bonked their heads.


November 15, 2011

I'm at it again

It's National Novel Writing Month again! (NaNoWriMo)
and I'm writing another novel this month. Actually it's a new version of last year's book, which makes it harder because I'm kind of editing. :P
The progress is slower. But at the moment I've only 300 words to catch up for today!
and then, next thing I know it, I'll be struggling to find another 2,000 words for my story tomorrow.  But it's wonderful all the same.

I likes what I write, and I writes what I like.

But, how do you do NaNoWriMo ? Well, here's one way: cancel Thanks Giving, buy yourself a laptop and sit quietly in your closet typing away. Don't stop. If you hear footsteps in the hall, don't move. You don't want anyone to find you, ( they'll put you to work doing something they think is useful,) or you'll have about 3,000 words to catch up on before you get back. :O

November 7, 2011

Hello family and friends, come visit my store on  ,  Or my blog/store!
Here are the web addresses:

Tell me what you think. I have only started it last month, so I am a beginner. I will be posting new things there about every week.

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