January 24, 2010

ATTENTION! art blog comming soon...

I've been posting on it since Oct.2009, but I didn't think i had stocked it with enough pictures. I still don't think I have a good amount. But oh well, better announce it now then never. It's only got around 15. My blog is called: Tali's studio. In a few more weeks I'll post the address.

January 23, 2010

Recent updates

Little knight ate a poisonous house plant 2 weeks ago; one minute we were preparing to go to the hospital, and then the next Little knight was ok. He's doing fine now, we gave him a lot of milk.
I finished a drawing of my Grandpa's horse Sep. 2009 but forgot to post. It has it's own mistakes, but it's ok. Emma is five months old now and getting very close to be in heat. I have to make a plan to keep Aiden and Emma separate.