December 29, 2009

Little Christmas

Christmas has come and gone with a bit of snow, unfortunately not enough to do anything with, and not the right kind to make perfect snow cream. Though last year it snowed 6 in. deep with a crust of ice on top. We made snow men, snow horses, snow cream, and best of all went sledding down our rocky hill. Well that Christmas we busted the sleds on accident .
But this Christmas we had fun without snow. Our family's biggest two hits from Santa this year were Styrofoam jets that were powered by rubber band sling shots, and also by the elder kid's eyes The lord of the rings trilogy special extended DVD edition. The dogs loved their rawhide cow and pig ears.

Also just yesterday, I pulled a half drowned rooster out of cow dung. He looks very dead from the camera's point of view, but we warmed him up by the fire after a good wash, but the rescue itself wasn't as easy. Our chickens take a liking to going out in our neighbor's cow pastures and eating the cow feed set in a big sized feeder on the left of that picture. A incredibly dangerous sinkhole surrounds the feeder like a mote around a castle. Amazing how dung can be so dangerous. Any way, I had to scoot along the foot wide feed trough to get to him. He was all covered in muck, but more alive then others I helped in CA. As soon as I caught hold of his feet, (with some difficulty ) I threw him further out in the muck, (though I'd meant to toss him to the other side), and dad scooped him up with the pitch fork.
Well not that much of a Christmas story, but there it is. A saved rooster and a fun snow less ( mostly) Christmas.